Customers can contact support by creating a ticket below or by calling any of the numbers provided Monday – Friday 8AM-8PM EST and CET, except US/Canadian holidays. If you would like to view/edit your support tickets, you can log into our Support Portal Here, otherwise you can create a new Support ticket below.
After conferencing with a teacher after an observation, we discussed resources to support implementing classroom management procedures. I was able to search ELN for content supporting classroom management and assign a course to the teacher. The teacher participated in the course during one session and shared that the content was engaging and left her wanting to learn more following each section. ELN provided her with instant quality professional development that imparts valuable knowledge and improved her classroom culture and teaching practice.
This site is AMAZING!! Especially for us teachers, where funding is low and subs are even lower. This allows me to professionally grow from the comfort of my home.
ELN is a tremendous resource for me as a principal. I get a timely response from questions or concerns I express about ELN and feel that I am able to utilize it for myself and my staff. This year I have assigned videos for staff to watch, discuss in small groups or with grade level partners, and respond with questions I’ve developed.
Ed Leaders Network provides immediate, quality professional development on current education topics by experts in the field. With current budget concerns, spending $200 on Ed Leaders Network, keeping professional development in-house, and providing professional development to all staff members just makes sense!
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
I think it’s great! The website is very easy to use and informative. Edleaders Network encompasses much more than just mandated webinars for school safety. I have used some of the Common Core webinars and am planning on using more this year.
We are pleased and excited to be connected with ELN. We continue to take advantage of the online courses that are available to all of our staff in the district.
The authoring tool is intuitive and extremely easy to use. The instructional video explaining its use was also helpful. I simply made my slides in Power Point & scripted each one in the “Notes” pane. All I had to do was click the Record button & read the screen. MUCH easier than rehearsing timings in Power Point and publishing an MP4 video to upload to YouTube, etc.! Excellent quality with surprising simplicity – a great tool for busy administrators!
Galesburg CUSD 205
The Ed Leaders Network videos have been a godsend for our small rural school. South Wilmington Grade School has just under 100 students in K-8, so one-size fits all Professional Development is not always beneficial for our small staff. Now our professional development dollars can be spent on sending teachers to workshops and conferences that target their specific grade levels and needs, while knowing that our mandated requirements are being meet in a meaningful way.
Through this Support Center, our customers are able to open support requests, track the status and progress of those requests, search the various resources available, and catch up on news & notes regarding Agilent’s Suite of Informatics Products. If you have been directed to this site after attempting to access one of our older support sites, please take a moment to bookmark this page.
Full Support Center access is provided exclusively to customers who have purchased active Lab Informatics Software Maintenance Agreements (SMA). The products supported via this portal are the Client/Server and Enterprise configurations of Software applications such as:
Vuong quoc pokemon vh cracked. The following legacy products are out of support. If you are still using one of the following software products please upgrade or migrate to a current product.
Use the Menu Links on this page to access the registration and login pages for the Laboratory Informatics Support Center. Registration requires a valid email address. Please note that registration and login information for this site is not the same as used for the main Agilent.com website.
If you experience difficulties registering for the Support Center please contact us.
Customers can contact support by creating a ticket below or by calling any of the numbers provided Monday – Friday 8AM-8PM EST and CET, except US/Canadian holidays. If you would like to view/edit your support tickets, you can log into our Support Portal Here, otherwise you can create a new Support ticket below.
After conferencing with a teacher after an observation, we discussed resources to support implementing classroom management procedures. I was able to search ELN for content supporting classroom management and assign a course to the teacher. The teacher participated in the course during one session and shared that the content was engaging and left her wanting to learn more following each section. ELN provided her with instant quality professional development that imparts valuable knowledge and improved her classroom culture and teaching practice.
This site is AMAZING!! Especially for us teachers, where funding is low and subs are even lower. This allows me to professionally grow from the comfort of my home.
ELN is a tremendous resource for me as a principal. I get a timely response from questions or concerns I express about ELN and feel that I am able to utilize it for myself and my staff. This year I have assigned videos for staff to watch, discuss in small groups or with grade level partners, and respond with questions I’ve developed.
Ed Leaders Network provides immediate, quality professional development on current education topics by experts in the field. With current budget concerns, spending $200 on Ed Leaders Network, keeping professional development in-house, and providing professional development to all staff members just makes sense!
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
I think it’s great! The website is very easy to use and informative. Edleaders Network encompasses much more than just mandated webinars for school safety. I have used some of the Common Core webinars and am planning on using more this year.
We are pleased and excited to be connected with ELN. We continue to take advantage of the online courses that are available to all of our staff in the district.
The authoring tool is intuitive and extremely easy to use. The instructional video explaining its use was also helpful. I simply made my slides in Power Point & scripted each one in the “Notes” pane. All I had to do was click the Record button & read the screen. MUCH easier than rehearsing timings in Power Point and publishing an MP4 video to upload to YouTube, etc.! Excellent quality with surprising simplicity – a great tool for busy administrators!
Galesburg CUSD 205
The Ed Leaders Network videos have been a godsend for our small rural school. South Wilmington Grade School has just under 100 students in K-8, so one-size fits all Professional Development is not always beneficial for our small staff. Now our professional development dollars can be spent on sending teachers to workshops and conferences that target their specific grade levels and needs, while knowing that our mandated requirements are being meet in a meaningful way.
Through this Support Center, our customers are able to open support requests, track the status and progress of those requests, search the various resources available, and catch up on news & notes regarding Agilent’s Suite of Informatics Products. If you have been directed to this site after attempting to access one of our older support sites, please take a moment to bookmark this page.
Full Support Center access is provided exclusively to customers who have purchased active Lab Informatics Software Maintenance Agreements (SMA). The products supported via this portal are the Client/Server and Enterprise configurations of Software applications such as:
Vuong quoc pokemon vh cracked. The following legacy products are out of support. If you are still using one of the following software products please upgrade or migrate to a current product.
Use the Menu Links on this page to access the registration and login pages for the Laboratory Informatics Support Center. Registration requires a valid email address. Please note that registration and login information for this site is not the same as used for the main Agilent.com website.
If you experience difficulties registering for the Support Center please contact us.
...">Cambridgesoft Eln Support(23.03.2020)Customers can contact support by creating a ticket below or by calling any of the numbers provided Monday – Friday 8AM-8PM EST and CET, except US/Canadian holidays. If you would like to view/edit your support tickets, you can log into our Support Portal Here, otherwise you can create a new Support ticket below.
After conferencing with a teacher after an observation, we discussed resources to support implementing classroom management procedures. I was able to search ELN for content supporting classroom management and assign a course to the teacher. The teacher participated in the course during one session and shared that the content was engaging and left her wanting to learn more following each section. ELN provided her with instant quality professional development that imparts valuable knowledge and improved her classroom culture and teaching practice.
This site is AMAZING!! Especially for us teachers, where funding is low and subs are even lower. This allows me to professionally grow from the comfort of my home.
ELN is a tremendous resource for me as a principal. I get a timely response from questions or concerns I express about ELN and feel that I am able to utilize it for myself and my staff. This year I have assigned videos for staff to watch, discuss in small groups or with grade level partners, and respond with questions I’ve developed.
Ed Leaders Network provides immediate, quality professional development on current education topics by experts in the field. With current budget concerns, spending $200 on Ed Leaders Network, keeping professional development in-house, and providing professional development to all staff members just makes sense!
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
I think it’s great! The website is very easy to use and informative. Edleaders Network encompasses much more than just mandated webinars for school safety. I have used some of the Common Core webinars and am planning on using more this year.
We are pleased and excited to be connected with ELN. We continue to take advantage of the online courses that are available to all of our staff in the district.
The authoring tool is intuitive and extremely easy to use. The instructional video explaining its use was also helpful. I simply made my slides in Power Point & scripted each one in the “Notes” pane. All I had to do was click the Record button & read the screen. MUCH easier than rehearsing timings in Power Point and publishing an MP4 video to upload to YouTube, etc.! Excellent quality with surprising simplicity – a great tool for busy administrators!
Galesburg CUSD 205
The Ed Leaders Network videos have been a godsend for our small rural school. South Wilmington Grade School has just under 100 students in K-8, so one-size fits all Professional Development is not always beneficial for our small staff. Now our professional development dollars can be spent on sending teachers to workshops and conferences that target their specific grade levels and needs, while knowing that our mandated requirements are being meet in a meaningful way.
Through this Support Center, our customers are able to open support requests, track the status and progress of those requests, search the various resources available, and catch up on news & notes regarding Agilent’s Suite of Informatics Products. If you have been directed to this site after attempting to access one of our older support sites, please take a moment to bookmark this page.
Full Support Center access is provided exclusively to customers who have purchased active Lab Informatics Software Maintenance Agreements (SMA). The products supported via this portal are the Client/Server and Enterprise configurations of Software applications such as:
Vuong quoc pokemon vh cracked. The following legacy products are out of support. If you are still using one of the following software products please upgrade or migrate to a current product.
Use the Menu Links on this page to access the registration and login pages for the Laboratory Informatics Support Center. Registration requires a valid email address. Please note that registration and login information for this site is not the same as used for the main Agilent.com website.
If you experience difficulties registering for the Support Center please contact us.
...">Cambridgesoft Eln Support(23.03.2020)