lakdi ki kathi hindi poem
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दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा पहुंचा चौक में चौक में था नाई, घोड़ेजी की नाई ने हज़ामत जो बनाई
चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग, घोड़ा पहुंचा चौक ….
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा था घमंडी पहुंचा सब्जी मंडी. सब्जी मंडी बरफ़ पड़ी थी बरफ़ में लग गई ठंडी,
Shrink school rpg game. दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा अपना तगड़ा है देखो कितनी चरबी है, चलता है महरौली में पर घोड़ा अपना अरबी है
चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग, घोड़ा अपना तगड़ा है …
बाँह छूड़ा के दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के डौड़ा
लकड़ी की काठी काठी पे घोड़ा, घोड़े की दुम पे जो मारा हथौड़ा
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा,
I’AtiK TWO The .TACKSONVIU.E OAII.Y JOURNAL, Tt’RSDAY MORNING. MARCH 15, ]«27 THE JOURNAL • »¡istmi *vpr> it'<>rntn»c t**ri» tt Mon- dHV t»y thi- j < k -4 osvii ' î i: jornN Ai, <'«> 35 WpRt St»'« Ht litfkMinvtllc, III, (CRIPTtON HATH irri<»r, p*r irr»*r, i>*r yrar ... ini], J month»..... 1 M >1« 7 50 1.80 ,. 6 i*) I !n! .iti*. th* ttontofflc** In J*( k»on- »ttd-cMu»* mull mutter. M« r the ASfNM ÎATEI1 PRESS. r!i»» (>«••• it< *1 I’î» tf< lACluitivdy í*ti* imi . xi t.» Ihr tin»* for mjt>l*<au»n of all «•»w* dti Mlrh** cr**<lit«*<l to It or not «th*rn uw er* ted. in tt. s and • it- tt < I h I • *t p.il ti»t>•»> «lav for aiuttMf>ni*‘nt t ,t* minted in Sunday** leitw » will no ivci» limiteli Jacksonville would I ihvi * i ì » movi«»* open on Sunday, Why nIioiiM *»> ** M»il Ihp top- unit ton of JackMonvlll«* whon li I* known ah a rio in od lira t Ion# 1 elty; whtf*ro no tnunv parent» are sending tltrlr young boy» and girl« k now in if or rather tniMlng th-it tt is a nafe place to -iond iholr children. We who duini lo li*1 Iriiuds of the voiina people should not lay a ptutnbMftfc Itlork in their patliuav hut should i lend them to th«1 better f life. rood neither t< st r m thin It nor Irink Communications The trou hi. In th m the Journal will > rommiinii'tttlon« n attbjert» of p**n- K times of writer» * matiusrripta even <l ’ ’4»l *■* >1 MlV Mt> II *» ¡»VI** U«*l ms «o i open o •niher r ■a of th lothei r Is made Homans l with our in ir we would not m Sunday, thy < oitli, whil , tior the? thou ahai in them islet. 12 1 it Vielr N. Kos eat flt***h, anyt hitiK imhleth or e weak. : 21 . eify i» were all vunt the tor ill t lo ir’s ta v. him Hwordliti t«» our work», ami i hits «e «ill re< <‘lve <»tit rewwrd, « liel het it I»1' pie,os.lit or ttnpleas* ant, novertlieless tItMl Will rest up* on our service to out judae. It isn't nl« avs profitable for 'man” to follow hi* own «nv* for «*- uro told srrlpt»rally that ••mun shall perish by hi» way*.' We should do all that is in our power to further the welfare of «mi elty and it* people; a « ity'» progress doe» not depend upon ill»* matlet of dolíais and rents alone, Ion It taken moral» iilmtx w ith moil* V to make a prtlfjresslfe rity and a elty iu which imp would !**• pie,i,sed to dwell. I ratt'l believe It would lio jU*l propei to follow the example of oilier rlties; it every elty had patterned after the Hiies of So* dom and Ootvtmnrali they too would have gone to atdi*** a* »lid th**> I believe It would bo far for out city in it» present •ssivetiess to add to TODAY’S TALK Hy GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Author of 'You Can,' ‘'Take tt,' 'Up.' THF. SAMPLE THAT YOU ARE HOLD FUNERAL RITES FOR JUDGE EPLER I i o,i I Hen in'* lleld For I orttier l.ocal lles d«*tif llete Moiiilnt rternooit. *»nri> lesi» Imiter proRi r projfi# ville i Lot d s a musoni I Im V alvene»» that “Ja* k a <ii> that reptmdeth day,” rat her tlism * lit houses. 1 »een movie it< Mill Ilo pei Ji Many of ot what I type that *eop I hi i out tli< • houi novios open a friend of Irst thought them the nR* of life. I to elevate tatlon and t in n car hat ha» no •ript i her Hear Mukerji, famous Hindu author, Illinois Woman's College Lecture course ïhursday night. Single admission $1.00. This lecture substitute for Helen Fraser. «und.i ot im. i the beginning of time i*- been ¡i daj set aside for th which to worship the it treated us, and Hilch a - h«*en hund*‘d down from ion to generation and that tv Cod ha-i intended that It rved until the end of time, ht otiuht to. otir it1 ind h> it read»; * Forsake hi inK of ournelves I manner of he nt i them, and Sf# per eent I saw were not of the would build moral», and ! « ill voic e about attending ; ¡'Cleall” show. A» I see thi Iter there are »ix evening* week for movie attendant those that want to go I bellev Ife« are bandieappotl, when we speak of not hHtut abb* lo have I enoitKh amusement in our eity fori It» people, we shauld ron»idet olile (fiod t- >aeh and somewhere or other I cameled down a< i >s- this sentence: 'How run i ^ )(j you oxptjt*i to command a top price and look like a marked j down sample?” If we thought of ourselves a» sample», selected »peclrttens of the great race, and took pi ido In the thought, what an Improved rate there would be in the run of the] .oars! Oui thoughts shape our ends. We go ahead doing the things we think wo an do long before' we ure convinced that we can do S them And a» we learn that we <»iii tio many tilings that we didn't know we could do, we do more thing.« anti belter tit» wt* do a? we do do. Watch yourself nn down tIt»» street today i* in«» t hat l lit ine at you a« you .1 list walk ima entire world li look a »aitipie l»on’t for a minute h impression ivo this old world the that you ate a 'tuurk- sa mple,' is you work, as you think, especially while you are alone with your tlpiughts. bear In mind I that you are in preparation as aj sample fo go out among men and won * it. whether far or wide no matter. The important thing is io i lulu h influence, to command and inspire all tlioso wit bln ycjur circle. nd before you know ii your circle will be enlarged. lb* lit* best sample of which you ate capable, lb* a class unto yourself and then the best in your c I usj , ll was suld of Wendell Phillips tlut he was 'a citizen of the Twentieth Century sent down 1« a*- rt * a sample of the Nine- t» t til h.” Walking a m o n g men and women today, we are samples. Is there a better sample than the thoiom-rbred »ample 1 WINCHESTER WOMAN FORMER LOCAL MAN IS CALLED BY DEATH HELD AS BANDIT in ti *!!!«• and the RIALTO PRICES 10c *nd 25c TODAY & TOMORROW A Thrilling Story of College Life < >114» ball ! II IÍ 14 , 1*1 f»4 •t ion ! College Days -—with— Marceline Day, Charles Delaney, Janies Harrison, Duane I hornpson, Brooks Benedict, Kathleen Key, Edna Murphy, Gibson Cum land, (iraufurd Kent, and 2 * University Football Enthusiasts. hoh H exoriiiig one anni neh thè more a* ve ipproa* hing.” Ileb. 10:25. *id«*s »hi» ihore ifi another that teli* ìis to ni oitrselves u livine sto ri tinto otit I<*»iti “1 best>et h herefor« brelhren b> iho ie» t*f ijod that .ve present Itoti le» a living »acrifice, acci-ptalile unto (¿od, whielt • itir reanonable servii**, “ un day tot* Sab- 12:1 i Itomi bath I being the which we are to Holy, ilo «** find It disregard the laod's advocate the op«*nini houses on Ilfs day? b‘ls open our bible» äil-3 and set* ther Cod in htiiltling the i six «lays and on ihe «hob he rested, h*- as a day of rest, U not ci**nt example to uh th¡ dtotild be observ* Lord'i day in keep that da> necessary to wish*** and amusement Por example to (lenes Is • where the ■arth worked seventh day sanctifietl it this suffi- i that day a day of some unknown time in the ■ all the people of th«* earth 1 i ii g fo stand before the Cod ■routed us unii he Judged by Dr, A. E. Priace of Springfield, III., (Specialty Cataract) will see his Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat patients at the New Pacific Hotel the first Thursday of each month. Scott’s New vj RAND THEATRE IT ItS Here, It's The IU—I Sliou in Town Today, Wednesday and Thursday. Matinee»—1:30—1:30 Mglit» — 7:00—0:00 Matinee, Adults.......;i;»c Children .............. . 15c One of Our Greatest Pictures D. W. GRIFFITH’S “Sorrows of Satan” By Marie Corelli ADOLPHE MENJOU As Satan Ittcnrdo t orte*, < arol Itetop- Nlii, l,>a ib> I *ii 11 i. A Paramount Picture LOVE vs. SATAN if ul w kisses. grutie embraces, companionship. »>mpathy. They struggle for mastery. Which wins? Added t traction A TWO Kill. tOMIHV MI M W s IîI I I N Uibl ----Main Flout Hal« oti) * bilde«'II . Ib.M-s . 10 « i .1e I.V 7A< Coming — Friday and Saturday Double Feature Picture Program and Vaudeville. Hebe Daniels iu ' Stranded In Pari»,*' and Lewi» Stone, in 'The Blonde Saint.*’ CCOTTC lj THEATRE O Tlie ll<*me of Popular Picture« 10 and 20c. LAST TIME TODAY! TKXMli! THRI 1,1,1 (i! Dll I I HI NT! RANGER Thinging! l-oving! Almoat Human' Truly the Wonder i log of f he •< t «>•>ii ! —In — When a Dog Loves A Tins«- Surging Drama of Hat«- anti I o«* From the P«*n «*f a Master! Greater love hath no man than this, that he give his life foi a frieud. Hanger the wonder-pal proves the worth of a dog's love. «hl«*d Attraction ln dll. ttiMIDV simuli ï UTTRELLC Ll New Majestic l^r Popular Price Theatre. i in**of ill ilo* H«,**t Ventilated Central Illinois LAST TIME TODAY lloov <ilb»on, in THE ARIZONA SWEEPSTAKES Spills, narrow escapes, death-defying jumps elbow each other in lighttiltig-like succession. CKKATKST UACF OF TH F < FNTI ItY lso a Tw«*-lteel s *t:t Al, I l ITI hi : COM KIIV Vdio. Jo. anti Die. TOMORROW I r«*«l Humes, to w We» tern Star, in “ONE MAN GAME” Breathe the taugy air of the KigebrtiHh country live through the freedom and dashing adventures of tho «alile rang** iu a »lory that'll grip you all the way to the crashing finish' liso Tl»e International News Atlm. I Oc iitol Ac. tlli.se who have to do with the furnishing »his amusement, do w. iippose that the men that operate movie machine» six nigho ;uh week until almost mblnlglii would count it a pleasure to oper- j ate th«* sumo picture machine» Sunday and Sunda> night without a Ay reereat ion ? V«>tiltl the ririiming of our regular duties be fat more pleasurable on Sunda> than otherwise? Wh> of course not So therefore we should think of those that have to tlo with the fii 1 hin^ of .«mu - m«*tit whether they lie movie operator, or not. Let’s try to get enough amusement during the week and be satisfied to give the unm-Municut makers the same privilege Let’» consider th*- going to our churches « hi Sntulay as the hfble commands, take our children along and deriv«' some vplrltuu) amusement from th<* sermon and lesson», for spiritual amusement Is not harmful or dangerous. W«need it in doing our part to the progresaivcne»» of th** city; then when ehtth h Is over and our spiritual duties have been done, if we d«'«dte a little more amusement to finish th«- day, let’» ink«* the family Iu the family car for a drive and visit with friends, and when the day 1» over we can recall it a» le-inir sp«*nt in observing the Lord's day, and having a trip out In Cod's hle«»e<) sunshine. 'What will it profit a man if lie gain the whole world and lose Ills own son 1 ?'* S. S. Hetr.er. HINDO POET TO LECTURE IN CITY Mi». Fa erlogt n Dies at Home iu N« ot i t omitt smolat — lobet Items rioni l i nr I n*»ter. Vet non s.tils, t ornici Fmploye oi ,la*ksOIIill*' S ;»t«* llosplia* Pla>c«l Insane T«*o Often. 1 I - Mrs, j home rooru* e-. Shi Wlnchoster, Mur John Farrington died at 1* here al 11 o’clock Snnda> inc. after an extended llln» was hoi n in NVw Market, Ohio, in 1 S * *s and canto to Winchester with her parents In lit!»?, sh»* w-.t« married in 18*i*•. Her husband and two * 111 Id i e n preceded her In death. She 1» survived b> the following children! Mrs Cora Rickard and Mr». Kmnui Kntfikan »»f this plan ; Mrs. C. II Lewis of Canada; Sam Farrington of Denver; William of Chillicothe Vlo.; if Ilf pul Mukerjt, n young , author and lecturer, let ted to give the last th*» lecture course of Woman’» college, on M a i > Ii 17 at Music Hall of Phan Oc il illtl 11 poet has been s« number of the Illinois Thursday evening. V 1 .'i o’clock In th* ih«* college. Mr Aluk* rji a* a loiiurar Uaa won honor» both Imre anti abroad, lie combines a knowb>«lge and insight rarely before seen regarding oriental philosophy und life with a keen understanding of fhe meritali tullid, , Ile come» troni a family of ex clusiv«- llruhmins He attended ti’«* I niverslty of Calcutta and gradua led troni Lelaud St an forti university in 1 !*I l il*- iia.s lectured at Oxford and other university temer* in Fngland and Amerita and has appeared on the largest lee tu rt courses iu New York ftn f‘ve successive season». Some of Ili» books tleuling with the various phases ot th«* life of his own country are **Caste and Outcast', * I'ari the mt-nliMtit tenerti of (he Fh P.rothera Face”. His subject will t nt Crisis in t lo* K tures aie brilliant!) KngliMh la vivid John of Kansas; Itussel dlr.na. and Karl of Cedar Iowa. Funeral sorvlce» held at 2 o’cloik Ttti'sdaj noon trtini Winchester < church, in charge ç neth Pittman. Dr. anti Mr». F J daughter, Thelma. Itussel, Mr. .ind Mrs uey and daughter. Louis, and Dr. and Fd wards, son and of In- Uapids, will be after- 'hrlst iau Ken- Weiser und ¡ ii Milton Kin- all or St. Mrs. Orville daughter of tuest» at . Oeorge Luif re- Mr». Hirdiii » Helen Daw- ith Mrs. Hin- I« patient 111 a the Mi»» the uient I toi Us- M> flood house were Sitntlay the home of Mr. and Mt Longnecker. Marry Cowhbk and niece cille of Msltooti are guests < lativ**K here. Warren Kellev. McLaughlin and Mi »on visited Sunday ' ton Si evens, who 1» Springfield hos pital Ml»» Helen Suter spent week-end v¡siting her sister, lleillah Suter. a student at Woman’s college in Jacksonville Mrs William Ca*lin of Mattoon is visiting relatives here. Mr. anti Mrs, Grant Mailer and daughter. Maurlne anti Dr. and Mrs J. Y. Burbank »pent Sunday visiting In White Hall. .’»¿r. anti Mrs. Ceorge Longncck- er expect to leave Tuesday for M.*mphi», Tenu Mrs. Kenneth Pittman is able to be out again after an illuess. Mrs. Nora Carlton of Sprinn- field Is vlsitini: her »on. John Carlton s*nd family here. Mrs. Iturr Montgomery, Miss Louie Riggs. Miss Maufino Mader and Miss H* ion Ktnulson w**re lo<al visitors in Springfield Sunday. Cnion service« were held at the Haptiat church Sunday evening in eharge-oi the Winchester Broth* erhood. The music was in charge of Miss Freeman of Chicago. PRINTERS HOLD MONTHLY MEETING g I Vf and Jacksonville tuo IlIK Stu ll *ry tor Ihe Pres- Ills I ♦•I'll and his « olorlul i uiut* ipe .1. II. S. SUN It ills Hi!LIU T l*LA The seniors of the Jacksonville high school have >electt*tl a three act play, 'The Uoose Hang» High' by Lewis Beach to be presented on ihe evening til April fifteenth in ihe high school auditorium, a» the annual senior play Tryout» will be held this afternoon after school for ihe cast whith ha» L> characters. Mis» Martha Joan Hale will have charge of the directing of the play. Those who selected lit«* play in- ilnde Miss Clara Smith, senior «’Ins» advisor. Km met t Barton. Bill' Walton and Khoda Olds. MF IMI.FH SIMtt VI» IN t IT Ten cases of mea»les were re- j ported in the city yesterday, ac- I cording to announcement from i the local health department. Th»* I diseases »cents to be gaining con- i hidet'able headway here. The Jacksonville ' UnlO! No 3R6 lias had (month as reported in the monthly ! seHiaon h**ltl Sunday in the Labor ! Temple. A numb* r of letter* In j from business men indicated that they will allow th«* printers’ label on their printed matter. The following members turned iu non-label material: Abe L. ! Wood. Charle» A llughelt, M. J. j * Crowe, Oeorge John on, S. A j Kauerauf, Waller II Meyer, I Charles Dunniway Charles Souza and Stewart Sparger. Mr. Sparger j received the prixe for turning Mhe largest amount oi non-label matter. Clarence L U«*Pew wus given the «ibligation Vernon Sails, former employe and former inmate at the Jack- »onvillo State hosplttil is held by Bloomington authorities, on charge» of having robbed n taxi driver and of having held up a grocery store in BloomitiKton on the evening of November 2, 1!»2•». according to the Bloomington Paittagraph. Sail» was for several I month» an employe nt the local h.tspital autl then after having been arrested for an alleged criim* is »aid to have acted insane to escape a Jail sentence. Tin* followina article ts carried j in the Pantagraph concerning thei aileeed hold-up man: 'Alter five mouth» of hucco »»- j fully playing tin* role of au Insane muii, both here and in the asylum at Jacksonville. Vernon Sails. 20- year-old gun bandit, is back in the McLean county jail, and will have to fate charges of robbing Joe Craig, a taxi driver, anti of having held up the William» grocery »tore, «'orner of Roosevelt and Oakland avenue, on the evening of Nov. 2. 11*26. 'Sails »ait! yesterday that he hi>d come to Bloomington from Chicago, where he had purchased the gun he u*«**d in me robbery. 'I decided to pull the Job on that grocery »tor**, so I took a couple of vernol tablets to steady my nerves, They're »omething ltku aspirin, you know, only about four times as powerful.' He then told ol how he had ordered the tab driver to Uanoolph so he could set away, of the struggle tor possession of the gun there, and of how lie wa* finally captured by Bloomington police at the home of Stanley Downs, where h** had gone to g* IW one food. ' When brought back to Bloomington that morning, the youth wa* arraigued before Judge liarl It. DcPew. but he would not rut+r m plea, saying that hi» mind van /’all jumbled up' and that n? couldn't remember what had happened on the previous evening H** was immediately transferred to the county Jail, where for more than three weeks he worried jailers and the sheriff by destroying property and apparently trying to kill himself. On one occasion a rope made of »trips ot blanket was found iu his cell; another time he wrote a note to the night jailer asking that some strychnin«* In* purchased for him so he could 'end it all.' Dolors were tailed in. They »aid he was insane and he was finally taken to Jacksonville. j 'Doctors in the Jacksonville in- Typographical j stltuilon. Sails »aid, suspected him g busy of liciug '-.m.- all th«- time he wa there. 'And if they hadn’t gotten me out of that place, I would have been crazy. Kveryone around me was insane, and some nights l’il wuke up almut 12 o'clock to find someone clutching at my throat, or pulling my hair. 'I'm glad Pin hack in Bloomington to fac<* tin* music,' he continued. '1 would have done it in the first place hail I known they would sentl me to Jacksonville, for I had worked there and knew in j people there. It was quite embarrassing to see »ome former friend» of mine Mim«- in when I couldn't talk to them, or «‘ouldn’t Kev. J. F. Langton, rector of Trinity Kpiscopul church. had charge of the service» held Monday afternoon at 2 : ilo o'clock at ib«> church In memory of Judge Carl Kpler. former well known fittiteli of Jacksonville, win died in Qiiinc> Kev Langton it. hi* t.i.’-zal discourse slated tin,. i»e departed j tiom the usual custom of ihe Kpiscopal church when he paid a brief tribute to the decedent, lie then qnoted St, Paul’s word#, have kepi the faith,' adding that tliev nppl with peculiar pole noy to his life. Commenting further he »aid: 'Cm I Kdwln Kpler gratina ted I from Illinois itillege at the early age of 1ft. a brilliant student, lie ^as valedictorian of his class Then h* took hi^ master's degree at Yale, anti reati law- at the I’ ii 1 - I versity of Michigan anil in bin ti I her’» office here. 'Locating In Quincy he rapidly achieved distinction In his profession and w a» elected county attornev and Judge. 1 am told lie was always lecognisted as a law> tier ol unswerving honesty m his legal practice, and brought to his < li**nts i he confides« ** wliiili high character as a lawyer and a man Invited. 'A noteworthy r'huractarisllc v, as his unfailing courtesy to opponents whether legal or political. 1 had a »Hiking Illustration of hi» trait oi quality iu Ins * bata« t**r He was selected to defend th«* pinposetl new stale constitution in a inibii« debate, with a prominent Chicago lawyer, here Jacksonville. Judge Kpler had made opening argument« wh«n his pouetits lose to reply, ‘I hav«' bated this question down thru stati ar«*n »Ire tlon lor his fa irne treatment of home town, armed by hi my ii in his optic- the it . meeting In Ihe forensic ! often severe usage I de* to pay a tribute of appreciate Judge Kpler, his candor and his courteous* strängt confess method ua I expei m • 'I gladly n*call this statement •m a political opponent »ime ft accurately describes or por* tys Judge Kpler’s attitude of to ail, lairne»». candor and iu hb I am tlis so un I Ik* f I a > .4 mind « ourtesy. able this they w er dominant for«*e wa But. however, admir- trait» in his character not—»hall I say, the «•ne» the most potent in his life, his church loyalty to Jesus absolute lour in thought A letter was read stating the Illinois Tvphographica! ferente had been organised with about fitly or more local unions There are about s.urtO members. in ted to act. 1 i hai act t he way I w Con- j wish now 1 had braced up pleatod guilty when I first and hi Christ, h word and dead. ’’Shall we not believe that his shining qualities all were due to thi» supreme motive in hi» life. Tie kept the faith.' And his church a» a re»ult highly h<»nor- ed him. He wa» chancellor of the diocese <»f Quincy, the highest posit ioti hi a dloc*;se for a la)man. giten only to those amongst that i liosen band wao adorn and beautify their Mai.ler » leaching in lilt ir daily wt>lk autl »ervicen, 'He loved Trinity, in thi» parish ne was baptised, confirmed and was earl) trained in the teachings he so loyally exemplified all thru his eartlly life anti now his beautiful spirit is trans tetrad to ;« larger, grander sphere. As the poet ex pres-« s it, ‘You've leapt the goltun stile and wave beyond the slurs All Is well and we may know if» well with you amongst the chosen few, the very lew brave, the very true.’ ^ et St Paul's words come closer. *1 have kept the faith, I Henceforth th«*re is laid up lor me a crown of iightcousn«'»» which the I>>nt the tlghf**ous judge shall( give me. Loyal, faithful servant of Jesu» Chri»t you have kept the faith and achieved tlie crown, hall and farewell.' i The Morgan County Bar Association member* attended Ui- ueral In a body. A number of members of the Adams County liar Association from Quincy came to Jacksonville and attended the funeral. The flowers werf Mrs. Dohpus, .Mi,>*. Mrs. Adkins Honorary bearer* included Dr 12» li. Block, Webster Groves, Mo.! a classmate of Judge Kplei when, they attended Illinois college; Wii j limit Woods, John Wheelock and’ Lon is Fuelbler, th«* latter two m«*n being from Quincy. Active bear«*r» were Attorneys W. N, Halrgrove, Paul Thompson, Walter W Wright and John J., i lteeve. Jacksonville Wilson, Cieorge W cared for by Dobvu» and and i wiMenhorn and A. tot ; George W. Govert, Paul J Bocksmith. but now that can't s Quincy. VOTICF Notice Is hereby given ' pursuant to a resolution pas-ted by the Session of Street Presbyterian church needay, March 9th, 1927, a I tug of (lie congregation of that du ly Stute Wed- meet said < hur« h w ill he held on Wedues- day evenlng. March llüh. A. D , 1H27, at 8:00 p. m., In Ihe hutldlng of said church In Jack* sonville. Hl., for the purpoKe of « xteudiing a call to Rer. John McGownd Stevenson of Rock Island. Illinois, to the pastorate of said church if the way he open. All utetnbers of suid church ore reque»ted to ho present nt that time and place, W. D Doylng, Clerk. ItilH It F N HOO n TS CITY HF ItAIDFI) Four cases of chit k**n stealing, with a total I ojh of 12 fowls, were reported t«t police over the week«*n»l as having occurred Friday night. Thefts were reported from the following places: Robert Large, I ¡»¡I Ku»t Wolcott street; Daniel Battati, -i 1 r* Went Beecher avenue; Mrs. Richard Lewis, 47S Kltey street, and IlHijauiiti F Allen, 4Iii* Fast Douglas avenue One suspect was arrested by police. Miss Ruth Sayre of spent Ihe week-end a Mr. and Mrs. Bov Sa city. White Hall - the guest y re iu ibis ! into trouble ; be helped,’’ .. . - .. WILL HOLD COMMl'Nm FI.Ft Tit IN S PIIIL NINTH 1 Community liish school hoard ‘election» will be held on the se«- ond Satnrd iy in April iu place of HOUthenst the third Saturday a» heretofore • The election will lake place on April Couno Superintendent j II 11 Vasconcellos mailed the • following hitter to community { high school hoard secretaries: j 'The Supreme court of Illinois! lia» declared Section SHa o 89h, ¡both sect ions inclusive of the Act j of June 271h . 1021?, to bo invalid, j i Thu» Community High School ! I elections revert hack to Section Ljf'ju It FA I. FST TK TRA NSFFBS Kenneth C. Riley to Pansy C. Wood, lot 14 in Cox's resubdivl- sioti fo Jacksonville. % 1. Rowena T. Cleggs to Fletcher J. Blackburn, the east half of the quarter, etc., of 23-13- Sadle K. Brauer to KSllsabetb Roach, part of lot 7 in block 36 in tile city addition to Jacksonville, i 89a of the Act approved June 2S. . . l!il*l. Voti will therefore conduct ¡ ' our eltctlon for members of the Board of Kducatloii on tlu* Second I Saturday in April instead of th* j third Saturday us heretofore.' Cl Fsrs HFRF Adolph Hagsirom, Minor Price and Wayne Duvault were guests over the week-end of John Spencer at l 2 Diamond Court. *AII young men are students ut University of Illinois Charles Prairie business DR. R. D. BRANDON Chiropractor Spinal adjustment* and electro-therapy. Hours 10-12 and 2-6, Mon. Wed. and Fri- evenings 7-8. Phones: Office 1078; residence 87GX. Of- Household Furniture For fire 340 W. State. Residence Sale, Wed. March 16th at 475 E. Stale. , Jacksonville) Transfer Co. s. M. Bridgemun and Bruner represented Joy community in the local district Monday. WHILE YOU WAIT No matter what sort of shoe repairing you want done, DAVE will do it while you wait—and you won’t have long to wait, either. Good1 work, quick work, satisfac* tory work. Shadid’s Shoe Rebuilding Service, under Farrell Bank. John M. Doyle ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1138 South Clay—PhoQ« 1050W Phone, write or call in person for work of any kind; or for estirn&tes. All work guaranteed. t THESE COLO NIGHTS WE OUGHT TO BURN BU tl £ oalgo . sun, moon and stur-* combined can't give any m<>r> hmt than *HMtfs Hrnctv Cal. BUTLER COAL COMPANY Phone No. 9 Nunn-Bush Mraim v*. * - * • ’ Thi is just the shoe for you- and here are the reasons why: Because you can yfei the >t!e to mi M vour individual taste. Because you'll kh the good fit. -olid comfort and long wear you expect. Because it's made of the finest material'* by painstaking craftsmen. Because this store i^ proud tit offer if to you. The new stvles are here. Shadid’s The East State Street Shoe Men We repair shoes the modern way—Bring the oM ones to us to be made uew. Coai Coal Coal Springfield— 6” lump............ $6.00 per ton Marion—Southern Coal- — 6” lump............ $6.50 per ton Ferco—Carterville District— 6” lump .............$6.75 per ton Security Carterville District— 6” lump . , ..........$7.00 per ton Logan—Franklin County— 6” lump , , . ..........$7.25 per ton Cumberland Block 7th Vein Eastern Kentucky $8.75 per ton Blue Gem 6” Block 7th Vein Eastern Kentucky . .4. .$9.25 per ton (Prices subject to mine advances) Highest grades of Coal at mine prices, plus freight and hauling, direct to consumer. Let us book your orders now and save you $1.00 to $2.00 per ton as prices are going higher. Yours for “Service.” Jacksonville Coal Co. PHONES—1698 and 355
lakdi ki kathi hindi poem
Khoda Circle, Women's S^iety of Christian Service of. Man to do Janitor work. 3 to 4 hours nightly. Apply at Economy Window Cleaning Cb. 36 clothes pins. you can dry 6. PHONES 54-W or 3457 (nighO. 751 Foraat Arm. 175024 Mandi HIMACHAL PRADESH, View complete details of Pin Code, Search Schools, Industries, Companies, Banks according to Pincode and location.
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा पहुंचा चौक में चौक में था नाई, घोड़ेजी की नाई ने हज़ामत जो बनाई
चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग, घोड़ा पहुंचा चौक ….
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा था घमंडी पहुंचा सब्जी मंडी. सब्जी मंडी बरफ़ पड़ी थी बरफ़ में लग गई ठंडी,
Shrink school rpg game. दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा अपना तगड़ा है देखो कितनी चरबी है, चलता है महरौली में पर घोड़ा अपना अरबी है
चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग, घोड़ा अपना तगड़ा है …
बाँह छूड़ा के दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के डौड़ा
लकड़ी की काठी काठी पे घोड़ा, घोड़े की दुम पे जो मारा हथौड़ा
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा,
I’AtiK TWO The .TACKSONVIU.E OAII.Y JOURNAL, Tt’RSDAY MORNING. MARCH 15, ]«27 THE JOURNAL • »¡istmi *vpr> it'<>rntn»c t**ri» tt Mon- dHV t»y thi- j < k -4 osvii ' î i: jornN Ai, <'«> 35 WpRt St»'« Ht litfkMinvtllc, III, (CRIPTtON HATH irri<»r, p*r irr»*r, i>*r yrar ... ini], J month»..... 1 M >1« 7 50 1.80 ,. 6 i*) I !n! .iti*. th* ttontofflc** In J*( k»on- »ttd-cMu»* mull mutter. M« r the ASfNM ÎATEI1 PRESS. r!i»» (>«••• it< *1 I’î» tf< lACluitivdy í*ti* imi . xi t.» Ihr tin»* for mjt>l*<au»n of all «•»w* dti Mlrh** cr**<lit«*<l to It or not «th*rn uw er* ted. in tt. s and • it- tt < I h I • *t p.il ti»t>•»> «lav for aiuttMf>ni*‘nt t ,t* minted in Sunday** leitw » will no ivci» limiteli Jacksonville would I ihvi * i ì » movi«»* open on Sunday, Why nIioiiM *»> ** M»il Ihp top- unit ton of JackMonvlll«* whon li I* known ah a rio in od lira t Ion# 1 elty; whtf*ro no tnunv parent» are sending tltrlr young boy» and girl« k now in if or rather tniMlng th-it tt is a nafe place to -iond iholr children. We who duini lo li*1 Iriiuds of the voiina people should not lay a ptutnbMftfc Itlork in their patliuav hut should i lend them to th«1 better f life. rood neither t< st r m thin It nor Irink Communications The trou hi. In th m the Journal will > rommiinii'tttlon« n attbjert» of p**n- K times of writer» * matiusrripta even <l ’ ’4»l *■* >1 MlV Mt> II *» ¡»VI** U«*l ms «o i open o •niher r ■a of th lothei r Is made Homans l with our in ir we would not m Sunday, thy < oitli, whil , tior the? thou ahai in them islet. 12 1 it Vielr N. Kos eat flt***h, anyt hitiK imhleth or e weak. : 21 . eify i» were all vunt the tor ill t lo ir’s ta v. him Hwordliti t«» our work», ami i hits «e «ill re< <‘lve <»tit rewwrd, « liel het it I»1' pie,os.lit or ttnpleas* ant, novertlieless tItMl Will rest up* on our service to out judae. It isn't nl« avs profitable for 'man” to follow hi* own «nv* for «*- uro told srrlpt»rally that ••mun shall perish by hi» way*.' We should do all that is in our power to further the welfare of «mi elty and it* people; a « ity'» progress doe» not depend upon ill»* matlet of dolíais and rents alone, Ion It taken moral» iilmtx w ith moil* V to make a prtlfjresslfe rity and a elty iu which imp would !**• pie,i,sed to dwell. I ratt'l believe It would lio jU*l propei to follow the example of oilier rlties; it every elty had patterned after the Hiies of So* dom and Ootvtmnrali they too would have gone to atdi*** a* »lid th**> I believe It would bo far for out city in it» present •ssivetiess to add to TODAY’S TALK Hy GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Author of 'You Can,' ‘'Take tt,' 'Up.' THF. SAMPLE THAT YOU ARE HOLD FUNERAL RITES FOR JUDGE EPLER I i o,i I Hen in'* lleld For I orttier l.ocal lles d«*tif llete Moiiilnt rternooit. *»nri> lesi» Imiter proRi r projfi# ville i Lot d s a musoni I Im V alvene»» that “Ja* k a <ii> that reptmdeth day,” rat her tlism * lit houses. 1 »een movie it< Mill Ilo pei Ji Many of ot what I type that *eop I hi i out tli< • houi novios open a friend of Irst thought them the nR* of life. I to elevate tatlon and t in n car hat ha» no •ript i her Hear Mukerji, famous Hindu author, Illinois Woman's College Lecture course ïhursday night. Single admission $1.00. This lecture substitute for Helen Fraser. «und.i ot im. i the beginning of time i*- been ¡i daj set aside for th which to worship the it treated us, and Hilch a - h«*en hund*‘d down from ion to generation and that tv Cod ha-i intended that It rved until the end of time, ht otiuht to. otir it1 ind h> it read»; * Forsake hi inK of ournelves I manner of he nt i them, and Sf# per eent I saw were not of the would build moral», and ! « ill voic e about attending ; ¡'Cleall” show. A» I see thi Iter there are »ix evening* week for movie attendant those that want to go I bellev Ife« are bandieappotl, when we speak of not hHtut abb* lo have I enoitKh amusement in our eity fori It» people, we shauld ron»idet olile (fiod t- >aeh and somewhere or other I cameled down a< i >s- this sentence: 'How run i ^ )(j you oxptjt*i to command a top price and look like a marked j down sample?” If we thought of ourselves a» sample», selected »peclrttens of the great race, and took pi ido In the thought, what an Improved rate there would be in the run of the] .oars! Oui thoughts shape our ends. We go ahead doing the things we think wo an do long before' we ure convinced that we can do S them And a» we learn that we <»iii tio many tilings that we didn't know we could do, we do more thing.« anti belter tit» wt* do a? we do do. Watch yourself nn down tIt»» street today i* in«» t hat l lit ine at you a« you .1 list walk ima entire world li look a »aitipie l»on’t for a minute h impression ivo this old world the that you ate a 'tuurk- sa mple,' is you work, as you think, especially while you are alone with your tlpiughts. bear In mind I that you are in preparation as aj sample fo go out among men and won * it. whether far or wide no matter. The important thing is io i lulu h influence, to command and inspire all tlioso wit bln ycjur circle. nd before you know ii your circle will be enlarged. lb* lit* best sample of which you ate capable, lb* a class unto yourself and then the best in your c I usj , ll was suld of Wendell Phillips tlut he was 'a citizen of the Twentieth Century sent down 1« a*- rt * a sample of the Nine- t» t til h.” Walking a m o n g men and women today, we are samples. Is there a better sample than the thoiom-rbred »ample 1 WINCHESTER WOMAN FORMER LOCAL MAN IS CALLED BY DEATH HELD AS BANDIT in ti *!!!«• and the RIALTO PRICES 10c *nd 25c TODAY & TOMORROW A Thrilling Story of College Life < >114» ball ! II IÍ 14 , 1*1 f»4 •t ion ! College Days -—with— Marceline Day, Charles Delaney, Janies Harrison, Duane I hornpson, Brooks Benedict, Kathleen Key, Edna Murphy, Gibson Cum land, (iraufurd Kent, and 2 * University Football Enthusiasts. hoh H exoriiiig one anni neh thè more a* ve ipproa* hing.” Ileb. 10:25. *id«*s »hi» ihore ifi another that teli* ìis to ni oitrselves u livine sto ri tinto otit I<*»iti “1 best>et h herefor« brelhren b> iho ie» t*f ijod that .ve present Itoti le» a living »acrifice, acci-ptalile unto (¿od, whielt • itir reanonable servii**, “ un day tot* Sab- 12:1 i Itomi bath I being the which we are to Holy, ilo «** find It disregard the laod's advocate the op«*nini houses on Ilfs day? b‘ls open our bible» äil-3 and set* ther Cod in htiiltling the i six «lays and on ihe «hob he rested, h*- as a day of rest, U not ci**nt example to uh th¡ dtotild be observ* Lord'i day in keep that da> necessary to wish*** and amusement Por example to (lenes Is • where the ■arth worked seventh day sanctifietl it this suffi- i that day a day of some unknown time in the ■ all the people of th«* earth 1 i ii g fo stand before the Cod ■routed us unii he Judged by Dr, A. E. Priace of Springfield, III., (Specialty Cataract) will see his Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat patients at the New Pacific Hotel the first Thursday of each month. Scott’s New vj RAND THEATRE IT ItS Here, It's The IU—I Sliou in Town Today, Wednesday and Thursday. Matinee»—1:30—1:30 Mglit» — 7:00—0:00 Matinee, Adults.......;i;»c Children .............. . 15c One of Our Greatest Pictures D. W. GRIFFITH’S “Sorrows of Satan” By Marie Corelli ADOLPHE MENJOU As Satan Ittcnrdo t orte*, < arol Itetop- Nlii, l,>a ib> I *ii 11 i. A Paramount Picture LOVE vs. SATAN if ul w kisses. grutie embraces, companionship. »>mpathy. They struggle for mastery. Which wins? Added t traction A TWO Kill. tOMIHV MI M W s IîI I I N Uibl ----Main Flout Hal« oti) * bilde«'II . Ib.M-s . 10 « i .1e I.V 7A< Coming — Friday and Saturday Double Feature Picture Program and Vaudeville. Hebe Daniels iu ' Stranded In Pari»,*' and Lewi» Stone, in 'The Blonde Saint.*’ CCOTTC lj THEATRE O Tlie ll<*me of Popular Picture« 10 and 20c. LAST TIME TODAY! TKXMli! THRI 1,1,1 (i! Dll I I HI NT! RANGER Thinging! l-oving! Almoat Human' Truly the Wonder i log of f he •< t «>•>ii ! —In — When a Dog Loves A Tins«- Surging Drama of Hat«- anti I o«* From the P«*n «*f a Master! Greater love hath no man than this, that he give his life foi a frieud. Hanger the wonder-pal proves the worth of a dog's love. «hl«*d Attraction ln dll. ttiMIDV simuli ï UTTRELLC Ll New Majestic l^r Popular Price Theatre. i in**of ill ilo* H«,**t Ventilated Central Illinois LAST TIME TODAY lloov <ilb»on, in THE ARIZONA SWEEPSTAKES Spills, narrow escapes, death-defying jumps elbow each other in lighttiltig-like succession. CKKATKST UACF OF TH F < FNTI ItY lso a Tw«*-lteel s *t:t Al, I l ITI hi : COM KIIV Vdio. Jo. anti Die. TOMORROW I r«*«l Humes, to w We» tern Star, in “ONE MAN GAME” Breathe the taugy air of the KigebrtiHh country live through the freedom and dashing adventures of tho «alile rang** iu a »lory that'll grip you all the way to the crashing finish' liso Tl»e International News Atlm. I Oc iitol Ac. tlli.se who have to do with the furnishing »his amusement, do w. iippose that the men that operate movie machine» six nigho ;uh week until almost mblnlglii would count it a pleasure to oper- j ate th«* sumo picture machine» Sunday and Sunda> night without a Ay reereat ion ? V«>tiltl the ririiming of our regular duties be fat more pleasurable on Sunda> than otherwise? Wh> of course not So therefore we should think of those that have to tlo with the fii 1 hin^ of .«mu - m«*tit whether they lie movie operator, or not. Let’s try to get enough amusement during the week and be satisfied to give the unm-Municut makers the same privilege Let’» consider th*- going to our churches « hi Sntulay as the hfble commands, take our children along and deriv«' some vplrltuu) amusement from th<* sermon and lesson», for spiritual amusement Is not harmful or dangerous. W«need it in doing our part to the progresaivcne»» of th** city; then when ehtth h Is over and our spiritual duties have been done, if we d«'«dte a little more amusement to finish th«- day, let’» ink«* the family Iu the family car for a drive and visit with friends, and when the day 1» over we can recall it a» le-inir sp«*nt in observing the Lord's day, and having a trip out In Cod's hle«»e<) sunshine. 'What will it profit a man if lie gain the whole world and lose Ills own son 1 ?'* S. S. Hetr.er. HINDO POET TO LECTURE IN CITY Mi». Fa erlogt n Dies at Home iu N« ot i t omitt smolat — lobet Items rioni l i nr I n*»ter. Vet non s.tils, t ornici Fmploye oi ,la*ksOIIill*' S ;»t«* llosplia* Pla>c«l Insane T«*o Often. 1 I - Mrs, j home rooru* e-. Shi Wlnchoster, Mur John Farrington died at 1* here al 11 o’clock Snnda> inc. after an extended llln» was hoi n in NVw Market, Ohio, in 1 S * *s and canto to Winchester with her parents In lit!»?, sh»* w-.t« married in 18*i*•. Her husband and two * 111 Id i e n preceded her In death. She 1» survived b> the following children! Mrs Cora Rickard and Mr». Kmnui Kntfikan »»f this plan ; Mrs. C. II Lewis of Canada; Sam Farrington of Denver; William of Chillicothe Vlo.; if Ilf pul Mukerjt, n young , author and lecturer, let ted to give the last th*» lecture course of Woman’» college, on M a i > Ii 17 at Music Hall of Phan Oc il illtl 11 poet has been s« number of the Illinois Thursday evening. V 1 .'i o’clock In th* ih«* college. Mr Aluk* rji a* a loiiurar Uaa won honor» both Imre anti abroad, lie combines a knowb>«lge and insight rarely before seen regarding oriental philosophy und life with a keen understanding of fhe meritali tullid, , Ile come» troni a family of ex clusiv«- llruhmins He attended ti’«* I niverslty of Calcutta and gradua led troni Lelaud St an forti university in 1 !*I l il*- iia.s lectured at Oxford and other university temer* in Fngland and Amerita and has appeared on the largest lee tu rt courses iu New York ftn f‘ve successive season». Some of Ili» books tleuling with the various phases ot th«* life of his own country are **Caste and Outcast', * I'ari the mt-nliMtit tenerti of (he Fh P.rothera Face”. His subject will t nt Crisis in t lo* K tures aie brilliant!) KngliMh la vivid John of Kansas; Itussel dlr.na. and Karl of Cedar Iowa. Funeral sorvlce» held at 2 o’cloik Ttti'sdaj noon trtini Winchester < church, in charge ç neth Pittman. Dr. anti Mr». F J daughter, Thelma. Itussel, Mr. .ind Mrs uey and daughter. Louis, and Dr. and Fd wards, son and of In- Uapids, will be after- 'hrlst iau Ken- Weiser und ¡ ii Milton Kin- all or St. Mrs. Orville daughter of tuest» at . Oeorge Luif re- Mr». Hirdiii » Helen Daw- ith Mrs. Hin- I« patient 111 a the Mi»» the uient I toi Us- M> flood house were Sitntlay the home of Mr. and Mt Longnecker. Marry Cowhbk and niece cille of Msltooti are guests < lativ**K here. Warren Kellev. McLaughlin and Mi »on visited Sunday ' ton Si evens, who 1» Springfield hos pital Ml»» Helen Suter spent week-end v¡siting her sister, lleillah Suter. a student at Woman’s college in Jacksonville Mrs William Ca*lin of Mattoon is visiting relatives here. Mr. anti Mrs, Grant Mailer and daughter. Maurlne anti Dr. and Mrs J. Y. Burbank »pent Sunday visiting In White Hall. .’»¿r. anti Mrs. Ceorge Longncck- er expect to leave Tuesday for M.*mphi», Tenu Mrs. Kenneth Pittman is able to be out again after an illuess. Mrs. Nora Carlton of Sprinn- field Is vlsitini: her »on. John Carlton s*nd family here. Mrs. Iturr Montgomery, Miss Louie Riggs. Miss Maufino Mader and Miss H* ion Ktnulson w**re lo<al visitors in Springfield Sunday. Cnion service« were held at the Haptiat church Sunday evening in eharge-oi the Winchester Broth* erhood. The music was in charge of Miss Freeman of Chicago. PRINTERS HOLD MONTHLY MEETING g I Vf and Jacksonville tuo IlIK Stu ll *ry tor Ihe Pres- Ills I ♦•I'll and his « olorlul i uiut* ipe .1. II. S. SUN It ills Hi!LIU T l*LA The seniors of the Jacksonville high school have >electt*tl a three act play, 'The Uoose Hang» High' by Lewis Beach to be presented on ihe evening til April fifteenth in ihe high school auditorium, a» the annual senior play Tryout» will be held this afternoon after school for ihe cast whith ha» L> characters. Mis» Martha Joan Hale will have charge of the directing of the play. Those who selected lit«* play in- ilnde Miss Clara Smith, senior «’Ins» advisor. Km met t Barton. Bill' Walton and Khoda Olds. MF IMI.FH SIMtt VI» IN t IT Ten cases of mea»les were re- j ported in the city yesterday, ac- I cording to announcement from i the local health department. Th»* I diseases »cents to be gaining con- i hidet'able headway here. The Jacksonville ' UnlO! No 3R6 lias had (month as reported in the monthly ! seHiaon h**ltl Sunday in the Labor ! Temple. A numb* r of letter* In j from business men indicated that they will allow th«* printers’ label on their printed matter. The following members turned iu non-label material: Abe L. ! Wood. Charle» A llughelt, M. J. j * Crowe, Oeorge John on, S. A j Kauerauf, Waller II Meyer, I Charles Dunniway Charles Souza and Stewart Sparger. Mr. Sparger j received the prixe for turning Mhe largest amount oi non-label matter. Clarence L U«*Pew wus given the «ibligation Vernon Sails, former employe and former inmate at the Jack- »onvillo State hosplttil is held by Bloomington authorities, on charge» of having robbed n taxi driver and of having held up a grocery store in BloomitiKton on the evening of November 2, 1!»2•». according to the Bloomington Paittagraph. Sail» was for several I month» an employe nt the local h.tspital autl then after having been arrested for an alleged criim* is »aid to have acted insane to escape a Jail sentence. Tin* followina article ts carried j in the Pantagraph concerning thei aileeed hold-up man: 'Alter five mouth» of hucco »»- j fully playing tin* role of au Insane muii, both here and in the asylum at Jacksonville. Vernon Sails. 20- year-old gun bandit, is back in the McLean county jail, and will have to fate charges of robbing Joe Craig, a taxi driver, anti of having held up the William» grocery »tore, «'orner of Roosevelt and Oakland avenue, on the evening of Nov. 2. 11*26. 'Sails »ait! yesterday that he hi>d come to Bloomington from Chicago, where he had purchased the gun he u*«**d in me robbery. 'I decided to pull the Job on that grocery »tor**, so I took a couple of vernol tablets to steady my nerves, They're »omething ltku aspirin, you know, only about four times as powerful.' He then told ol how he had ordered the tab driver to Uanoolph so he could set away, of the struggle tor possession of the gun there, and of how lie wa* finally captured by Bloomington police at the home of Stanley Downs, where h** had gone to g* IW one food. ' When brought back to Bloomington that morning, the youth wa* arraigued before Judge liarl It. DcPew. but he would not rut+r m plea, saying that hi» mind van /’all jumbled up' and that n? couldn't remember what had happened on the previous evening H** was immediately transferred to the county Jail, where for more than three weeks he worried jailers and the sheriff by destroying property and apparently trying to kill himself. On one occasion a rope made of »trips ot blanket was found iu his cell; another time he wrote a note to the night jailer asking that some strychnin«* In* purchased for him so he could 'end it all.' Dolors were tailed in. They »aid he was insane and he was finally taken to Jacksonville. j 'Doctors in the Jacksonville in- Typographical j stltuilon. Sails »aid, suspected him g busy of liciug '-.m.- all th«- time he wa there. 'And if they hadn’t gotten me out of that place, I would have been crazy. Kveryone around me was insane, and some nights l’il wuke up almut 12 o'clock to find someone clutching at my throat, or pulling my hair. 'I'm glad Pin hack in Bloomington to fac<* tin* music,' he continued. '1 would have done it in the first place hail I known they would sentl me to Jacksonville, for I had worked there and knew in j people there. It was quite embarrassing to see »ome former friend» of mine Mim«- in when I couldn't talk to them, or «‘ouldn’t Kev. J. F. Langton, rector of Trinity Kpiscopul church. had charge of the service» held Monday afternoon at 2 : ilo o'clock at ib«> church In memory of Judge Carl Kpler. former well known fittiteli of Jacksonville, win died in Qiiinc> Kev Langton it. hi* t.i.’-zal discourse slated tin,. i»e departed j tiom the usual custom of ihe Kpiscopal church when he paid a brief tribute to the decedent, lie then qnoted St, Paul’s word#, have kepi the faith,' adding that tliev nppl with peculiar pole noy to his life. Commenting further he »aid: 'Cm I Kdwln Kpler gratina ted I from Illinois itillege at the early age of 1ft. a brilliant student, lie ^as valedictorian of his class Then h* took hi^ master's degree at Yale, anti reati law- at the I’ ii 1 - I versity of Michigan anil in bin ti I her’» office here. 'Locating In Quincy he rapidly achieved distinction In his profession and w a» elected county attornev and Judge. 1 am told lie was always lecognisted as a law> tier ol unswerving honesty m his legal practice, and brought to his < li**nts i he confides« ** wliiili high character as a lawyer and a man Invited. 'A noteworthy r'huractarisllc v, as his unfailing courtesy to opponents whether legal or political. 1 had a »Hiking Illustration of hi» trait oi quality iu Ins * bata« t**r He was selected to defend th«* pinposetl new stale constitution in a inibii« debate, with a prominent Chicago lawyer, here Jacksonville. Judge Kpler had made opening argument« wh«n his pouetits lose to reply, ‘I hav«' bated this question down thru stati ar«*n »Ire tlon lor his fa irne treatment of home town, armed by hi my ii in his optic- the it . meeting In Ihe forensic ! often severe usage I de* to pay a tribute of appreciate Judge Kpler, his candor and his courteous* strängt confess method ua I expei m • 'I gladly n*call this statement •m a political opponent »ime ft accurately describes or por* tys Judge Kpler’s attitude of to ail, lairne»». candor and iu hb I am tlis so un I Ik* f I a > .4 mind « ourtesy. able this they w er dominant for«*e wa But. however, admir- trait» in his character not—»hall I say, the «•ne» the most potent in his life, his church loyalty to Jesus absolute lour in thought A letter was read stating the Illinois Tvphographica! ferente had been organised with about fitly or more local unions There are about s.urtO members. in ted to act. 1 i hai act t he way I w Con- j wish now 1 had braced up pleatod guilty when I first and hi Christ, h word and dead. ’’Shall we not believe that his shining qualities all were due to thi» supreme motive in hi» life. Tie kept the faith.' And his church a» a re»ult highly h<»nor- ed him. He wa» chancellor of the diocese <»f Quincy, the highest posit ioti hi a dloc*;se for a la)man. giten only to those amongst that i liosen band wao adorn and beautify their Mai.ler » leaching in lilt ir daily wt>lk autl »ervicen, 'He loved Trinity, in thi» parish ne was baptised, confirmed and was earl) trained in the teachings he so loyally exemplified all thru his eartlly life anti now his beautiful spirit is trans tetrad to ;« larger, grander sphere. As the poet ex pres-« s it, ‘You've leapt the goltun stile and wave beyond the slurs All Is well and we may know if» well with you amongst the chosen few, the very lew brave, the very true.’ ^ et St Paul's words come closer. *1 have kept the faith, I Henceforth th«*re is laid up lor me a crown of iightcousn«'»» which the I>>nt the tlghf**ous judge shall( give me. Loyal, faithful servant of Jesu» Chri»t you have kept the faith and achieved tlie crown, hall and farewell.' i The Morgan County Bar Association member* attended Ui- ueral In a body. A number of members of the Adams County liar Association from Quincy came to Jacksonville and attended the funeral. The flowers werf Mrs. Dohpus, .Mi,>*. Mrs. Adkins Honorary bearer* included Dr 12» li. Block, Webster Groves, Mo.! a classmate of Judge Kplei when, they attended Illinois college; Wii j limit Woods, John Wheelock and’ Lon is Fuelbler, th«* latter two m«*n being from Quincy. Active bear«*r» were Attorneys W. N, Halrgrove, Paul Thompson, Walter W Wright and John J., i lteeve. Jacksonville Wilson, Cieorge W cared for by Dobvu» and and i wiMenhorn and A. tot ; George W. Govert, Paul J Bocksmith. but now that can't s Quincy. VOTICF Notice Is hereby given ' pursuant to a resolution pas-ted by the Session of Street Presbyterian church needay, March 9th, 1927, a I tug of (lie congregation of that du ly Stute Wed- meet said < hur« h w ill he held on Wedues- day evenlng. March llüh. A. D , 1H27, at 8:00 p. m., In Ihe hutldlng of said church In Jack* sonville. Hl., for the purpoKe of « xteudiing a call to Rer. John McGownd Stevenson of Rock Island. Illinois, to the pastorate of said church if the way he open. All utetnbers of suid church ore reque»ted to ho present nt that time and place, W. D Doylng, Clerk. ItilH It F N HOO n TS CITY HF ItAIDFI) Four cases of chit k**n stealing, with a total I ojh of 12 fowls, were reported t«t police over the week«*n»l as having occurred Friday night. Thefts were reported from the following places: Robert Large, I ¡»¡I Ku»t Wolcott street; Daniel Battati, -i 1 r* Went Beecher avenue; Mrs. Richard Lewis, 47S Kltey street, and IlHijauiiti F Allen, 4Iii* Fast Douglas avenue One suspect was arrested by police. Miss Ruth Sayre of spent Ihe week-end a Mr. and Mrs. Bov Sa city. White Hall - the guest y re iu ibis ! into trouble ; be helped,’’ .. . - .. WILL HOLD COMMl'Nm FI.Ft Tit IN S PIIIL NINTH 1 Community liish school hoard ‘election» will be held on the se«- ond Satnrd iy in April iu place of HOUthenst the third Saturday a» heretofore • The election will lake place on April Couno Superintendent j II 11 Vasconcellos mailed the • following hitter to community { high school hoard secretaries: j 'The Supreme court of Illinois! lia» declared Section SHa o 89h, ¡both sect ions inclusive of the Act j of June 271h . 1021?, to bo invalid, j i Thu» Community High School ! I elections revert hack to Section Ljf'ju It FA I. FST TK TRA NSFFBS Kenneth C. Riley to Pansy C. Wood, lot 14 in Cox's resubdivl- sioti fo Jacksonville. % 1. Rowena T. Cleggs to Fletcher J. Blackburn, the east half of the quarter, etc., of 23-13- Sadle K. Brauer to KSllsabetb Roach, part of lot 7 in block 36 in tile city addition to Jacksonville, i 89a of the Act approved June 2S. . . l!il*l. Voti will therefore conduct ¡ ' our eltctlon for members of the Board of Kducatloii on tlu* Second I Saturday in April instead of th* j third Saturday us heretofore.' Cl Fsrs HFRF Adolph Hagsirom, Minor Price and Wayne Duvault were guests over the week-end of John Spencer at l 2 Diamond Court. *AII young men are students ut University of Illinois Charles Prairie business DR. R. D. BRANDON Chiropractor Spinal adjustment* and electro-therapy. Hours 10-12 and 2-6, Mon. Wed. and Fri- evenings 7-8. Phones: Office 1078; residence 87GX. Of- Household Furniture For fire 340 W. State. Residence Sale, Wed. March 16th at 475 E. Stale. , Jacksonville) Transfer Co. s. M. Bridgemun and Bruner represented Joy community in the local district Monday. WHILE YOU WAIT No matter what sort of shoe repairing you want done, DAVE will do it while you wait—and you won’t have long to wait, either. Good1 work, quick work, satisfac* tory work. Shadid’s Shoe Rebuilding Service, under Farrell Bank. John M. Doyle ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1138 South Clay—PhoQ« 1050W Phone, write or call in person for work of any kind; or for estirn&tes. All work guaranteed. t THESE COLO NIGHTS WE OUGHT TO BURN BU tl £ oalgo . sun, moon and stur-* combined can't give any m<>r> hmt than *HMtfs Hrnctv Cal. BUTLER COAL COMPANY Phone No. 9 Nunn-Bush Mraim v*. * - * • ’ Thi is just the shoe for you- and here are the reasons why: Because you can yfei the >t!e to mi M vour individual taste. Because you'll kh the good fit. -olid comfort and long wear you expect. Because it's made of the finest material'* by painstaking craftsmen. Because this store i^ proud tit offer if to you. The new stvles are here. Shadid’s The East State Street Shoe Men We repair shoes the modern way—Bring the oM ones to us to be made uew. Coai Coal Coal Springfield— 6” lump............ $6.00 per ton Marion—Southern Coal- — 6” lump............ $6.50 per ton Ferco—Carterville District— 6” lump .............$6.75 per ton Security Carterville District— 6” lump . , ..........$7.00 per ton Logan—Franklin County— 6” lump , , . ..........$7.25 per ton Cumberland Block 7th Vein Eastern Kentucky $8.75 per ton Blue Gem 6” Block 7th Vein Eastern Kentucky . .4. .$9.25 per ton (Prices subject to mine advances) Highest grades of Coal at mine prices, plus freight and hauling, direct to consumer. Let us book your orders now and save you $1.00 to $2.00 per ton as prices are going higher. Yours for “Service.” Jacksonville Coal Co. PHONES—1698 and 355
lakdi ki kathi hindi poem
Khoda Circle, Women's S^iety of Christian Service of. Man to do Janitor work. 3 to 4 hours nightly. Apply at Economy Window Cleaning Cb. 36 clothes pins. you can dry 6. PHONES 54-W or 3457 (nighO. 751 Foraat Arm. 175024 Mandi HIMACHAL PRADESH, View complete details of Pin Code, Search Schools, Industries, Companies, Banks according to Pincode and location.
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा पहुंचा चौक में चौक में था नाई, घोड़ेजी की नाई ने हज़ामत जो बनाई
चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग, घोड़ा पहुंचा चौक ….
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा था घमंडी पहुंचा सब्जी मंडी. सब्जी मंडी बरफ़ पड़ी थी बरफ़ में लग गई ठंडी,
Shrink school rpg game. दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा
घोड़ा अपना तगड़ा है देखो कितनी चरबी है, चलता है महरौली में पर घोड़ा अपना अरबी है
चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग चग-बग, घोड़ा अपना तगड़ा है …
बाँह छूड़ा के दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के डौड़ा
लकड़ी की काठी काठी पे घोड़ा, घोड़े की दुम पे जो मारा हथौड़ा
दौड़ा दौड़ा दौड़ा घोड़ा दुम उठा के दौड़ा,
I’AtiK TWO The .TACKSONVIU.E OAII.Y JOURNAL, Tt’RSDAY MORNING. MARCH 15, ]«27 THE JOURNAL • »¡istmi *vpr> it'<>rntn»c t**ri» tt Mon- dHV t»y thi- j < k -4 osvii ' î i: jornN Ai, <'«> 35 WpRt St»'« Ht litfkMinvtllc, III, (CRIPTtON HATH irri<»r, p*r irr»*r, i>*r yrar ... ini], J month»..... 1 M >1« 7 50 1.80 ,. 6 i*) I !n! .iti*. th* ttontofflc** In J*( k»on- »ttd-cMu»* mull mutter. M« r the ASfNM ÎATEI1 PRESS. r!i»» (>«••• it< *1 I’î» tf< lACluitivdy í*ti* imi . xi t.» Ihr tin»* for mjt>l*<au»n of all «•»w* dti Mlrh** cr**<lit«*<l to It or not «th*rn uw er* ted. in tt. s and • it- tt < I h I • *t p.il ti»t>•»> «lav for aiuttMf>ni*‘nt t ,t* minted in Sunday** leitw » will no ivci» limiteli Jacksonville would I ihvi * i ì » movi«»* open on Sunday, Why nIioiiM *»> ** M»il Ihp top- unit ton of JackMonvlll«* whon li I* known ah a rio in od lira t Ion# 1 elty; whtf*ro no tnunv parent» are sending tltrlr young boy» and girl« k now in if or rather tniMlng th-it tt is a nafe place to -iond iholr children. We who duini lo li*1 Iriiuds of the voiina people should not lay a ptutnbMftfc Itlork in their patliuav hut should i lend them to th«1 better f life. rood neither t< st r m thin It nor Irink Communications The trou hi. In th m the Journal will > rommiinii'tttlon« n attbjert» of p**n- K times of writer» * matiusrripta even <l ’ ’4»l *■* >1 MlV Mt> II *» ¡»VI** U«*l ms «o i open o •niher r ■a of th lothei r Is made Homans l with our in ir we would not m Sunday, thy < oitli, whil , tior the? thou ahai in them islet. 12 1 it Vielr N. Kos eat flt***h, anyt hitiK imhleth or e weak. : 21 . eify i» were all vunt the tor ill t lo ir’s ta v. him Hwordliti t«» our work», ami i hits «e «ill re< <‘lve <»tit rewwrd, « liel het it I»1' pie,os.lit or ttnpleas* ant, novertlieless tItMl Will rest up* on our service to out judae. It isn't nl« avs profitable for 'man” to follow hi* own «nv* for «*- uro told srrlpt»rally that ••mun shall perish by hi» way*.' We should do all that is in our power to further the welfare of «mi elty and it* people; a « ity'» progress doe» not depend upon ill»* matlet of dolíais and rents alone, Ion It taken moral» iilmtx w ith moil* V to make a prtlfjresslfe rity and a elty iu which imp would !**• pie,i,sed to dwell. I ratt'l believe It would lio jU*l propei to follow the example of oilier rlties; it every elty had patterned after the Hiies of So* dom and Ootvtmnrali they too would have gone to atdi*** a* »lid th**> I believe It would bo far for out city in it» present •ssivetiess to add to TODAY’S TALK Hy GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Author of 'You Can,' ‘'Take tt,' 'Up.' THF. SAMPLE THAT YOU ARE HOLD FUNERAL RITES FOR JUDGE EPLER I i o,i I Hen in'* lleld For I orttier l.ocal lles d«*tif llete Moiiilnt rternooit. *»nri> lesi» Imiter proRi r projfi# ville i Lot d s a musoni I Im V alvene»» that “Ja* k a <ii> that reptmdeth day,” rat her tlism * lit houses. 1 »een movie it< Mill Ilo pei Ji Many of ot what I type that *eop I hi i out tli< • houi novios open a friend of Irst thought them the nR* of life. I to elevate tatlon and t in n car hat ha» no •ript i her Hear Mukerji, famous Hindu author, Illinois Woman's College Lecture course ïhursday night. Single admission $1.00. This lecture substitute for Helen Fraser. «und.i ot im. i the beginning of time i*- been ¡i daj set aside for th which to worship the it treated us, and Hilch a - h«*en hund*‘d down from ion to generation and that tv Cod ha-i intended that It rved until the end of time, ht otiuht to. otir it1 ind h> it read»; * Forsake hi inK of ournelves I manner of he nt i them, and Sf# per eent I saw were not of the would build moral», and ! « ill voic e about attending ; ¡'Cleall” show. A» I see thi Iter there are »ix evening* week for movie attendant those that want to go I bellev Ife« are bandieappotl, when we speak of not hHtut abb* lo have I enoitKh amusement in our eity fori It» people, we shauld ron»idet olile (fiod t- >aeh and somewhere or other I cameled down a< i >s- this sentence: 'How run i ^ )(j you oxptjt*i to command a top price and look like a marked j down sample?” If we thought of ourselves a» sample», selected »peclrttens of the great race, and took pi ido In the thought, what an Improved rate there would be in the run of the] .oars! Oui thoughts shape our ends. We go ahead doing the things we think wo an do long before' we ure convinced that we can do S them And a» we learn that we <»iii tio many tilings that we didn't know we could do, we do more thing.« anti belter tit» wt* do a? we do do. Watch yourself nn down tIt»» street today i* in«» t hat l lit ine at you a« you .1 list walk ima entire world li look a »aitipie l»on’t for a minute h impression ivo this old world the that you ate a 'tuurk- sa mple,' is you work, as you think, especially while you are alone with your tlpiughts. bear In mind I that you are in preparation as aj sample fo go out among men and won * it. whether far or wide no matter. The important thing is io i lulu h influence, to command and inspire all tlioso wit bln ycjur circle. nd before you know ii your circle will be enlarged. lb* lit* best sample of which you ate capable, lb* a class unto yourself and then the best in your c I usj , ll was suld of Wendell Phillips tlut he was 'a citizen of the Twentieth Century sent down 1« a*- rt * a sample of the Nine- t» t til h.” Walking a m o n g men and women today, we are samples. Is there a better sample than the thoiom-rbred »ample 1 WINCHESTER WOMAN FORMER LOCAL MAN IS CALLED BY DEATH HELD AS BANDIT in ti *!!!«• and the RIALTO PRICES 10c *nd 25c TODAY & TOMORROW A Thrilling Story of College Life < >114» ball ! II IÍ 14 , 1*1 f»4 •t ion ! College Days -—with— Marceline Day, Charles Delaney, Janies Harrison, Duane I hornpson, Brooks Benedict, Kathleen Key, Edna Murphy, Gibson Cum land, (iraufurd Kent, and 2 * University Football Enthusiasts. hoh H exoriiiig one anni neh thè more a* ve ipproa* hing.” Ileb. 10:25. *id«*s »hi» ihore ifi another that teli* ìis to ni oitrselves u livine sto ri tinto otit I<*»iti “1 best>et h herefor« brelhren b> iho ie» t*f ijod that .ve present Itoti le» a living »acrifice, acci-ptalile unto (¿od, whielt • itir reanonable servii**, “ un day tot* Sab- 12:1 i Itomi bath I being the which we are to Holy, ilo «** find It disregard the laod's advocate the op«*nini houses on Ilfs day? b‘ls open our bible» äil-3 and set* ther Cod in htiiltling the i six «lays and on ihe «hob he rested, h*- as a day of rest, U not ci**nt example to uh th¡ dtotild be observ* Lord'i day in keep that da> necessary to wish*** and amusement Por example to (lenes Is • where the ■arth worked seventh day sanctifietl it this suffi- i that day a day of some unknown time in the ■ all the people of th«* earth 1 i ii g fo stand before the Cod ■routed us unii he Judged by Dr, A. E. Priace of Springfield, III., (Specialty Cataract) will see his Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat patients at the New Pacific Hotel the first Thursday of each month. Scott’s New vj RAND THEATRE IT ItS Here, It's The IU—I Sliou in Town Today, Wednesday and Thursday. Matinee»—1:30—1:30 Mglit» — 7:00—0:00 Matinee, Adults.......;i;»c Children .............. . 15c One of Our Greatest Pictures D. W. GRIFFITH’S “Sorrows of Satan” By Marie Corelli ADOLPHE MENJOU As Satan Ittcnrdo t orte*, < arol Itetop- Nlii, l,>a ib> I *ii 11 i. A Paramount Picture LOVE vs. SATAN if ul w kisses. grutie embraces, companionship. »>mpathy. They struggle for mastery. Which wins? Added t traction A TWO Kill. tOMIHV MI M W s IîI I I N Uibl ----Main Flout Hal« oti) * bilde«'II . Ib.M-s . 10 « i .1e I.V 7A< Coming — Friday and Saturday Double Feature Picture Program and Vaudeville. Hebe Daniels iu ' Stranded In Pari»,*' and Lewi» Stone, in 'The Blonde Saint.*’ CCOTTC lj THEATRE O Tlie ll<*me of Popular Picture« 10 and 20c. LAST TIME TODAY! TKXMli! THRI 1,1,1 (i! Dll I I HI NT! RANGER Thinging! l-oving! Almoat Human' Truly the Wonder i log of f he •< t «>•>ii ! —In — When a Dog Loves A Tins«- Surging Drama of Hat«- anti I o«* From the P«*n «*f a Master! Greater love hath no man than this, that he give his life foi a frieud. Hanger the wonder-pal proves the worth of a dog's love. «hl«*d Attraction ln dll. ttiMIDV simuli ï UTTRELLC Ll New Majestic l^r Popular Price Theatre. i in**of ill ilo* H«,**t Ventilated Central Illinois LAST TIME TODAY lloov <ilb»on, in THE ARIZONA SWEEPSTAKES Spills, narrow escapes, death-defying jumps elbow each other in lighttiltig-like succession. CKKATKST UACF OF TH F < FNTI ItY lso a Tw«*-lteel s *t:t Al, I l ITI hi : COM KIIV Vdio. Jo. anti Die. TOMORROW I r«*«l Humes, to w We» tern Star, in “ONE MAN GAME” Breathe the taugy air of the KigebrtiHh country live through the freedom and dashing adventures of tho «alile rang** iu a »lory that'll grip you all the way to the crashing finish' liso Tl»e International News Atlm. I Oc iitol Ac. tlli.se who have to do with the furnishing »his amusement, do w. iippose that the men that operate movie machine» six nigho ;uh week until almost mblnlglii would count it a pleasure to oper- j ate th«* sumo picture machine» Sunday and Sunda> night without a Ay reereat ion ? V«>tiltl the ririiming of our regular duties be fat more pleasurable on Sunda> than otherwise? Wh> of course not So therefore we should think of those that have to tlo with the fii 1 hin^ of .«mu - m«*tit whether they lie movie operator, or not. Let’s try to get enough amusement during the week and be satisfied to give the unm-Municut makers the same privilege Let’» consider th*- going to our churches « hi Sntulay as the hfble commands, take our children along and deriv«' some vplrltuu) amusement from th<* sermon and lesson», for spiritual amusement Is not harmful or dangerous. W«need it in doing our part to the progresaivcne»» of th** city; then when ehtth h Is over and our spiritual duties have been done, if we d«'«dte a little more amusement to finish th«- day, let’» ink«* the family Iu the family car for a drive and visit with friends, and when the day 1» over we can recall it a» le-inir sp«*nt in observing the Lord's day, and having a trip out In Cod's hle«»e<) sunshine. 'What will it profit a man if lie gain the whole world and lose Ills own son 1 ?'* S. S. Hetr.er. HINDO POET TO LECTURE IN CITY Mi». Fa erlogt n Dies at Home iu N« ot i t omitt smolat — lobet Items rioni l i nr I n*»ter. Vet non s.tils, t ornici Fmploye oi ,la*ksOIIill*' S ;»t«* llosplia* Pla>c«l Insane T«*o Often. 1 I - Mrs, j home rooru* e-. Shi Wlnchoster, Mur John Farrington died at 1* here al 11 o’clock Snnda> inc. after an extended llln» was hoi n in NVw Market, Ohio, in 1 S * *s and canto to Winchester with her parents In lit!»?, sh»* w-.t« married in 18*i*•. Her husband and two * 111 Id i e n preceded her In death. She 1» survived b> the following children! Mrs Cora Rickard and Mr». Kmnui Kntfikan »»f this plan ; Mrs. C. II Lewis of Canada; Sam Farrington of Denver; William of Chillicothe Vlo.; if Ilf pul Mukerjt, n young , author and lecturer, let ted to give the last th*» lecture course of Woman’» college, on M a i > Ii 17 at Music Hall of Phan Oc il illtl 11 poet has been s« number of the Illinois Thursday evening. V 1 .'i o’clock In th* ih«* college. Mr Aluk* rji a* a loiiurar Uaa won honor» both Imre anti abroad, lie combines a knowb>«lge and insight rarely before seen regarding oriental philosophy und life with a keen understanding of fhe meritali tullid, , Ile come» troni a family of ex clusiv«- llruhmins He attended ti’«* I niverslty of Calcutta and gradua led troni Lelaud St an forti university in 1 !*I l il*- iia.s lectured at Oxford and other university temer* in Fngland and Amerita and has appeared on the largest lee tu rt courses iu New York ftn f‘ve successive season». Some of Ili» books tleuling with the various phases ot th«* life of his own country are **Caste and Outcast', * I'ari the mt-nliMtit tenerti of (he Fh P.rothera Face”. His subject will t nt Crisis in t lo* K tures aie brilliant!) KngliMh la vivid John of Kansas; Itussel dlr.na. and Karl of Cedar Iowa. Funeral sorvlce» held at 2 o’cloik Ttti'sdaj noon trtini Winchester < church, in charge ç neth Pittman. Dr. anti Mr». F J daughter, Thelma. Itussel, Mr. .ind Mrs uey and daughter. Louis, and Dr. and Fd wards, son and of In- Uapids, will be after- 'hrlst iau Ken- Weiser und ¡ ii Milton Kin- all or St. Mrs. Orville daughter of tuest» at . Oeorge Luif re- Mr». Hirdiii » Helen Daw- ith Mrs. Hin- I« patient 111 a the Mi»» the uient I toi Us- M> flood house were Sitntlay the home of Mr. and Mt Longnecker. Marry Cowhbk and niece cille of Msltooti are guests < lativ**K here. Warren Kellev. McLaughlin and Mi »on visited Sunday ' ton Si evens, who 1» Springfield hos pital Ml»» Helen Suter spent week-end v¡siting her sister, lleillah Suter. a student at Woman’s college in Jacksonville Mrs William Ca*lin of Mattoon is visiting relatives here. Mr. anti Mrs, Grant Mailer and daughter. Maurlne anti Dr. and Mrs J. Y. Burbank »pent Sunday visiting In White Hall. .’»¿r. anti Mrs. Ceorge Longncck- er expect to leave Tuesday for M.*mphi», Tenu Mrs. Kenneth Pittman is able to be out again after an illuess. Mrs. Nora Carlton of Sprinn- field Is vlsitini: her »on. John Carlton s*nd family here. Mrs. Iturr Montgomery, Miss Louie Riggs. Miss Maufino Mader and Miss H* ion Ktnulson w**re lo<al visitors in Springfield Sunday. Cnion service« were held at the Haptiat church Sunday evening in eharge-oi the Winchester Broth* erhood. The music was in charge of Miss Freeman of Chicago. PRINTERS HOLD MONTHLY MEETING g I Vf and Jacksonville tuo IlIK Stu ll *ry tor Ihe Pres- Ills I ♦•I'll and his « olorlul i uiut* ipe .1. II. S. SUN It ills Hi!LIU T l*LA The seniors of the Jacksonville high school have >electt*tl a three act play, 'The Uoose Hang» High' by Lewis Beach to be presented on ihe evening til April fifteenth in ihe high school auditorium, a» the annual senior play Tryout» will be held this afternoon after school for ihe cast whith ha» L> characters. Mis» Martha Joan Hale will have charge of the directing of the play. Those who selected lit«* play in- ilnde Miss Clara Smith, senior «’Ins» advisor. Km met t Barton. Bill' Walton and Khoda Olds. MF IMI.FH SIMtt VI» IN t IT Ten cases of mea»les were re- j ported in the city yesterday, ac- I cording to announcement from i the local health department. Th»* I diseases »cents to be gaining con- i hidet'able headway here. The Jacksonville ' UnlO! No 3R6 lias had (month as reported in the monthly ! seHiaon h**ltl Sunday in the Labor ! Temple. A numb* r of letter* In j from business men indicated that they will allow th«* printers’ label on their printed matter. The following members turned iu non-label material: Abe L. ! Wood. Charle» A llughelt, M. J. j * Crowe, Oeorge John on, S. A j Kauerauf, Waller II Meyer, I Charles Dunniway Charles Souza and Stewart Sparger. Mr. Sparger j received the prixe for turning Mhe largest amount oi non-label matter. Clarence L U«*Pew wus given the «ibligation Vernon Sails, former employe and former inmate at the Jack- »onvillo State hosplttil is held by Bloomington authorities, on charge» of having robbed n taxi driver and of having held up a grocery store in BloomitiKton on the evening of November 2, 1!»2•». according to the Bloomington Paittagraph. Sail» was for several I month» an employe nt the local h.tspital autl then after having been arrested for an alleged criim* is »aid to have acted insane to escape a Jail sentence. Tin* followina article ts carried j in the Pantagraph concerning thei aileeed hold-up man: 'Alter five mouth» of hucco »»- j fully playing tin* role of au Insane muii, both here and in the asylum at Jacksonville. Vernon Sails. 20- year-old gun bandit, is back in the McLean county jail, and will have to fate charges of robbing Joe Craig, a taxi driver, anti of having held up the William» grocery »tore, «'orner of Roosevelt and Oakland avenue, on the evening of Nov. 2. 11*26. 'Sails »ait! yesterday that he hi>d come to Bloomington from Chicago, where he had purchased the gun he u*«**d in me robbery. 'I decided to pull the Job on that grocery »tor**, so I took a couple of vernol tablets to steady my nerves, They're »omething ltku aspirin, you know, only about four times as powerful.' He then told ol how he had ordered the tab driver to Uanoolph so he could set away, of the struggle tor possession of the gun there, and of how lie wa* finally captured by Bloomington police at the home of Stanley Downs, where h** had gone to g* IW one food. ' When brought back to Bloomington that morning, the youth wa* arraigued before Judge liarl It. DcPew. but he would not rut+r m plea, saying that hi» mind van /’all jumbled up' and that n? couldn't remember what had happened on the previous evening H** was immediately transferred to the county Jail, where for more than three weeks he worried jailers and the sheriff by destroying property and apparently trying to kill himself. On one occasion a rope made of »trips ot blanket was found iu his cell; another time he wrote a note to the night jailer asking that some strychnin«* In* purchased for him so he could 'end it all.' Dolors were tailed in. They »aid he was insane and he was finally taken to Jacksonville. j 'Doctors in the Jacksonville in- Typographical j stltuilon. Sails »aid, suspected him g busy of liciug '-.m.- all th«- time he wa there. 'And if they hadn’t gotten me out of that place, I would have been crazy. Kveryone around me was insane, and some nights l’il wuke up almut 12 o'clock to find someone clutching at my throat, or pulling my hair. 'I'm glad Pin hack in Bloomington to fac<* tin* music,' he continued. '1 would have done it in the first place hail I known they would sentl me to Jacksonville, for I had worked there and knew in j people there. It was quite embarrassing to see »ome former friend» of mine Mim«- in when I couldn't talk to them, or «‘ouldn’t Kev. J. F. Langton, rector of Trinity Kpiscopul church. had charge of the service» held Monday afternoon at 2 : ilo o'clock at ib«> church In memory of Judge Carl Kpler. former well known fittiteli of Jacksonville, win died in Qiiinc> Kev Langton it. hi* t.i.’-zal discourse slated tin,. i»e departed j tiom the usual custom of ihe Kpiscopal church when he paid a brief tribute to the decedent, lie then qnoted St, Paul’s word#, have kepi the faith,' adding that tliev nppl with peculiar pole noy to his life. Commenting further he »aid: 'Cm I Kdwln Kpler gratina ted I from Illinois itillege at the early age of 1ft. a brilliant student, lie ^as valedictorian of his class Then h* took hi^ master's degree at Yale, anti reati law- at the I’ ii 1 - I versity of Michigan anil in bin ti I her’» office here. 'Locating In Quincy he rapidly achieved distinction In his profession and w a» elected county attornev and Judge. 1 am told lie was always lecognisted as a law> tier ol unswerving honesty m his legal practice, and brought to his < li**nts i he confides« ** wliiili high character as a lawyer and a man Invited. 'A noteworthy r'huractarisllc v, as his unfailing courtesy to opponents whether legal or political. 1 had a »Hiking Illustration of hi» trait oi quality iu Ins * bata« t**r He was selected to defend th«* pinposetl new stale constitution in a inibii« debate, with a prominent Chicago lawyer, here Jacksonville. Judge Kpler had made opening argument« wh«n his pouetits lose to reply, ‘I hav«' bated this question down thru stati ar«*n »Ire tlon lor his fa irne treatment of home town, armed by hi my ii in his optic- the it . meeting In Ihe forensic ! often severe usage I de* to pay a tribute of appreciate Judge Kpler, his candor and his courteous* strängt confess method ua I expei m • 'I gladly n*call this statement •m a political opponent »ime ft accurately describes or por* tys Judge Kpler’s attitude of to ail, lairne»». candor and iu hb I am tlis so un I Ik* f I a > .4 mind « ourtesy. able this they w er dominant for«*e wa But. however, admir- trait» in his character not—»hall I say, the «•ne» the most potent in his life, his church loyalty to Jesus absolute lour in thought A letter was read stating the Illinois Tvphographica! ferente had been organised with about fitly or more local unions There are about s.urtO members. in ted to act. 1 i hai act t he way I w Con- j wish now 1 had braced up pleatod guilty when I first and hi Christ, h word and dead. ’’Shall we not believe that his shining qualities all were due to thi» supreme motive in hi» life. Tie kept the faith.' And his church a» a re»ult highly h<»nor- ed him. He wa» chancellor of the diocese <»f Quincy, the highest posit ioti hi a dloc*;se for a la)man. giten only to those amongst that i liosen band wao adorn and beautify their Mai.ler » leaching in lilt ir daily wt>lk autl »ervicen, 'He loved Trinity, in thi» parish ne was baptised, confirmed and was earl) trained in the teachings he so loyally exemplified all thru his eartlly life anti now his beautiful spirit is trans tetrad to ;« larger, grander sphere. As the poet ex pres-« s it, ‘You've leapt the goltun stile and wave beyond the slurs All Is well and we may know if» well with you amongst the chosen few, the very lew brave, the very true.’ ^ et St Paul's words come closer. *1 have kept the faith, I Henceforth th«*re is laid up lor me a crown of iightcousn«'»» which the I>>nt the tlghf**ous judge shall( give me. Loyal, faithful servant of Jesu» Chri»t you have kept the faith and achieved tlie crown, hall and farewell.' i The Morgan County Bar Association member* attended Ui- ueral In a body. A number of members of the Adams County liar Association from Quincy came to Jacksonville and attended the funeral. The flowers werf Mrs. Dohpus, .Mi,>*. Mrs. Adkins Honorary bearer* included Dr 12» li. Block, Webster Groves, Mo.! a classmate of Judge Kplei when, they attended Illinois college; Wii j limit Woods, John Wheelock and’ Lon is Fuelbler, th«* latter two m«*n being from Quincy. Active bear«*r» were Attorneys W. N, Halrgrove, Paul Thompson, Walter W Wright and John J., i lteeve. Jacksonville Wilson, Cieorge W cared for by Dobvu» and and i wiMenhorn and A. tot ; George W. Govert, Paul J Bocksmith. but now that can't s Quincy. VOTICF Notice Is hereby given ' pursuant to a resolution pas-ted by the Session of Street Presbyterian church needay, March 9th, 1927, a I tug of (lie congregation of that du ly Stute Wed- meet said < hur« h w ill he held on Wedues- day evenlng. March llüh. A. D , 1H27, at 8:00 p. m., In Ihe hutldlng of said church In Jack* sonville. Hl., for the purpoKe of « xteudiing a call to Rer. John McGownd Stevenson of Rock Island. Illinois, to the pastorate of said church if the way he open. All utetnbers of suid church ore reque»ted to ho present nt that time and place, W. D Doylng, Clerk. ItilH It F N HOO n TS CITY HF ItAIDFI) Four cases of chit k**n stealing, with a total I ojh of 12 fowls, were reported t«t police over the week«*n»l as having occurred Friday night. Thefts were reported from the following places: Robert Large, I ¡»¡I Ku»t Wolcott street; Daniel Battati, -i 1 r* Went Beecher avenue; Mrs. Richard Lewis, 47S Kltey street, and IlHijauiiti F Allen, 4Iii* Fast Douglas avenue One suspect was arrested by police. Miss Ruth Sayre of spent Ihe week-end a Mr. and Mrs. Bov Sa city. White Hall - the guest y re iu ibis ! into trouble ; be helped,’’ .. . - .. WILL HOLD COMMl'Nm FI.Ft Tit IN S PIIIL NINTH 1 Community liish school hoard ‘election» will be held on the se«- ond Satnrd iy in April iu place of HOUthenst the third Saturday a» heretofore • The election will lake place on April Couno Superintendent j II 11 Vasconcellos mailed the • following hitter to community { high school hoard secretaries: j 'The Supreme court of Illinois! lia» declared Section SHa o 89h, ¡both sect ions inclusive of the Act j of June 271h . 1021?, to bo invalid, j i Thu» Community High School ! I elections revert hack to Section Ljf'ju It FA I. FST TK TRA NSFFBS Kenneth C. Riley to Pansy C. Wood, lot 14 in Cox's resubdivl- sioti fo Jacksonville. % 1. Rowena T. Cleggs to Fletcher J. Blackburn, the east half of the quarter, etc., of 23-13- Sadle K. Brauer to KSllsabetb Roach, part of lot 7 in block 36 in tile city addition to Jacksonville, i 89a of the Act approved June 2S. . . l!il*l. Voti will therefore conduct ¡ ' our eltctlon for members of the Board of Kducatloii on tlu* Second I Saturday in April instead of th* j third Saturday us heretofore.' Cl Fsrs HFRF Adolph Hagsirom, Minor Price and Wayne Duvault were guests over the week-end of John Spencer at l 2 Diamond Court. *AII young men are students ut University of Illinois Charles Prairie business DR. R. D. BRANDON Chiropractor Spinal adjustment* and electro-therapy. Hours 10-12 and 2-6, Mon. Wed. and Fri- evenings 7-8. Phones: Office 1078; residence 87GX. Of- Household Furniture For fire 340 W. State. Residence Sale, Wed. March 16th at 475 E. Stale. , Jacksonville) Transfer Co. s. M. Bridgemun and Bruner represented Joy community in the local district Monday. WHILE YOU WAIT No matter what sort of shoe repairing you want done, DAVE will do it while you wait—and you won’t have long to wait, either. Good1 work, quick work, satisfac* tory work. Shadid’s Shoe Rebuilding Service, under Farrell Bank. John M. Doyle ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1138 South Clay—PhoQ« 1050W Phone, write or call in person for work of any kind; or for estirn&tes. All work guaranteed. t THESE COLO NIGHTS WE OUGHT TO BURN BU tl £ oalgo . sun, moon and stur-* combined can't give any m<>r> hmt than *HMtfs Hrnctv Cal. BUTLER COAL COMPANY Phone No. 9 Nunn-Bush Mraim v*. * - * • ’ Thi is just the shoe for you- and here are the reasons why: Because you can yfei the >t!e to mi M vour individual taste. Because you'll kh the good fit. -olid comfort and long wear you expect. Because it's made of the finest material'* by painstaking craftsmen. Because this store i^ proud tit offer if to you. The new stvles are here. Shadid’s The East State Street Shoe Men We repair shoes the modern way—Bring the oM ones to us to be made uew. Coai Coal Coal Springfield— 6” lump............ $6.00 per ton Marion—Southern Coal- — 6” lump............ $6.50 per ton Ferco—Carterville District— 6” lump .............$6.75 per ton Security Carterville District— 6” lump . , ..........$7.00 per ton Logan—Franklin County— 6” lump , , . ..........$7.25 per ton Cumberland Block 7th Vein Eastern Kentucky $8.75 per ton Blue Gem 6” Block 7th Vein Eastern Kentucky . .4. .$9.25 per ton (Prices subject to mine advances) Highest grades of Coal at mine prices, plus freight and hauling, direct to consumer. Let us book your orders now and save you $1.00 to $2.00 per ton as prices are going higher. Yours for “Service.” Jacksonville Coal Co. PHONES—1698 and 355